Monday, January 28, 2019

bandikui railway officers bunglow 28 jan 2019


  1. Hi. I wonder if you can help me. I have been searching for pictures related to Bandikui for some time especially the railway, as my husbands father was born in or around Bandikui in 1935 and his father worked for the railways. We have a picture of some of my husbands uncles and an auntie sat in front of a house and we believe that it may be the railway officers bungalow in your picture. Do you know any history about this house and if anyone lives there now? My husband and I are visiting India next year and are spending a day in Bandikui and are hoping to trace some of his families links to the area. His Grandfather's name was Felix Fernandes as we believe that he was a railway officer.

  2. Thank you that would be great. How can we contact you to provide more information?

  3. You can Search me as "Pratap Gurjar"on Facebook and on Instagram as "Desi Rockers "on Instagram I set Bandikui church as my Insta Profile pic
